Quick Thoughts
Today was terrible. Start to finish. Just rough. Tomorrow is a new day, but today’s going to stick with me.
Trying to troubleshoot cross posting to Threads from Micro.Blog. Was working fine… and then it wasn’t.
Because of an accident on the interstate, took the LONG way to work this morning, all back roads through the country. Including several roads that I never knew connected to each other. I made it to work eventually.
Hey @manton. FYI: Something is broken with Threads crossposting. I’m getting a “Threads: Error creating media container.” error in the logs when something tries to crosspost. (And Bluesky is working fine, so I don’t think it’s an issue with the post.) Happened a couple of times.
The For-Profit City That Might Come Crashing Down:
“We’re not crooks,” he told me. “We’re just guys trying to get something good done.” He said he was inspired to help found Próspera after reading Machiavelli’s writings on the impossibility of reforming a system from within.
A movement inspired by renowned do-gooder, Machiavelli. What could go wrong?
Harris Walz supporters should add the US Flag emoji to their social media bios. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Partially to show support for freedom, but also to point out that there aren’t emoji for the Confederate flag, the Gadsden flag, the Trump flag or any of the other flags the far right prefers.
This week has been strangely draining. Not sure why…
Tucked in that Obama speech last night at the Democratic National Convention was a critique of social media culture. Just after the 26:00 mark. “We chase the approval of strangers on our phones.” He argues that social media divides us and makes us feel alone. Amazing speech, and worth a listen.
Businesses are trying to make their offices more like hotels, resorts or spas in an effort to lure people back to the office. I’m all for a nice office experience, but I don’t think that’s going to motivate people who simply prefer to work from home.
Found my wife’s old 11-inch MacBook Air and compared it to her new 13-inch MacBook Air. She used the 11 for a very long time and loved it, but when she started grad school, she upgraded. That 11-inch still feels impossibly light and tiny.
I’ve seen a 1990 Acura NSX around town lately. One of my favorite cars from when I was younger. So I’m kind of excited that Acura might release an “NSX-type” electric sportscar.
Survived going to both Trader Joe’s and Target in a college town on move-in weekend.
Got my oldest about 2/3 moved into her off-campus apartment today for her sophomore year. Apartment is unfurnished so we had to move in a bed, dresser, desk, etc. We’ll move the rest in the morning. Thankfully, she’s on the second floor, because there is no elevator.
Seth Godin on “The paradox of lottery thinking:"
What could we do if we spent the next four years on it?

Our twelve-year-old son made dinner for the family tonight. He was very proud of himself, but after dinner, he asked each of us if we had any feedback on his cooking. 🤣
First day of school postponed because of the storm. Thankfully, just a lot of rain here in Columbia, SC. I know a lot of people are upset about the cancelation, but the last time schools ignored a scary weather forecast, my wife’s car was impaled by a tree on her way to teach. So I’m okay with it.
Watched part of the Harris/Walz event… And now I understand why Harris picked Walz.
I’m always fascinated with the desire to delete your old social media posts. I’m always trying to save mine. But The Verge has a nice how-to post on purging your past.
Liz and the kids think I look like Jedi Bob.

Yesterday, Liverpool and Manchester United played in Williams-Brice Stadium in Columbia. It was fun to see a football stadium packed for soccer. We didn’t go — tickets were more than I paid to see Taylor Swift and sold out in minutes — but I met people from all over who came to SC to see the match.
Gym floor lettering.

I keep thinking, surely, this is the moment where they will come to their senses.
I’m really enjoying watching the Olympics this year, and I think part of the reason is how good the streaming experience is on Peacock.