Quick Thoughts

    Opened Facebook. Criticized some obvious political spin. Got blocked by my cousin. Sigh. I hate election season.

    Picked a really good day to unplug for a week.

    Just noticed that the Mercedes F1 team is sponsored by Crowdstrike. Funny that a racing team is sponsored by a company that’s now known for the biggest crash of all time.

    It’s an early beta, but I really like where Iconfactory’s Project Tapestry is going.

    That fact that one bad update to a third-party system can completely shut down businesses, hospitals and airlines… scary. You’d think these systems would be more resilient than that.

    Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep so I finished submitting a manuscript to a journal for peer review.

    Spent the evening troubleshooting some fonts that I’m going to sell through MyFonts. Finally think I’ve got everything fixed, but I want to look at again with clear eyes in the morning.

    I wish Cotton Bureau made stickers.

    The ACC and Florida State/Clemson are going to settle, right? These cases will be in the courts for years, probably heading all the way to the Supreme Court. The uncertainty will hurt the ACC and Florida State and Clemson will end up in the Big 12, where neither of them want to be.

    We bought our soon-to-be middle schooler a phone today. Pretty sure he was the last in his friend group to get a phone. We’re still not letting him get social media apps, but he was cool with that because none of his friends use social media. They just text each other.

    Fun fact: One of my favorite pieces of memorabilia in my office is an autographed Dr. Ruth program from when she visited the University of South Carolina in the mid 1990s, signed “Bob, Great brochures! Thanks, Dr. Ruth.” She signed autographs for hours after her talk. RIP Dr. Ruth.

    Stopped by Rutledge on my way across campus today.

    A brick pathway flanked by benches and lush greenery leads to Rutledge Chapel at the University of South Carolina.

    The South Carolina Women’s Basketball team deserved the ESPY for Best Team. Undefeated national champs. Glad they won. 🏀

    Early in my career, the president of the insurance company I worked for told me “When you are losing money, you can’t make it up in volume.” I thought about that when I read this collection of clips and links that Michael Tsai pulled together about the economic realities of AI.

    So tonight, I’ve learned that Lego is releasing a Jedi Bob Starfighter that will be released on my birthday. And my family thinks that Jedi Bob bares a striking resemblance to me. So I guess I know what I’m getting for my birthday this year.

    According to Facebook Memories, 13 years ago, I was sharing Google+ invites with friends. 🤣

    I’m taking (and sharing) a lot fewer pictures this year compared to past years. I’m not actually sure why… It’s not a conscious decision… I think I just need to get back in the habit of taking pictures of the world around me.

    What an exciting British Grand Prix. As a new F1 fan, I never got to see Hamilton when he was dominant. So cool to see him win this one at Silverstone.

    I’ve decided to publish a Now page again. I’ve tried it before and I didn’t stick with it. I like the concept though so I’m going to give it another go.

    My 12-year-old tried again to watch the Lord of the Rings, but gave up after about an hour. He really wants to like it, but he just can’t get into it.

    Rok-Tahk on Star Trek Prodigy is one of my favorite new Star Trek characters. 🖖 Enjoying the new season of Prodigy on Netflix.

    Holding down the fort with a skeleton crew at the office on the Friday after the Fourth of July.

    Happy Fourth of July, designers. 🇺🇸 The red, white and blue. 🇺🇸 The Pantone 193C, White and Pantone 282C. 🇺🇸 The #BF0A30, #FFFFFF and #002868.

    I had numerous captions on some of my old posts over on Squarespace. I didn’t want to lose the captions when I move the post into Micro.Blog. Today I learned that the Figure and Figcaption HTML elements work really well.

    I missed that Lego released a refined visual identity a couple of weeks ago that includes a new typeface, Lego Typewell, based on brick proportions. I really like it. The best detail I’ve found on the typeface is on this review from BP&O.

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