Quick Thoughts

    Merry Christmas from Team Wertz. 🎄

    I’m intrigued by Keychron’s Alice keyboard releases. I love my current Keychron K2 and I don’t really need another keyboard. But I’m tempted.

    For years, our Alexa was incredibly reliable, but about six months ago, accuracy dropped significantly. I bought a new one recently thinking the issue was with the older hardware, but nope. Still bad. We are having better luck with Siri and our Apple HomePod Mini and I think we’ll start using that more.

    Had coffee with a friend this morning and was telling him about Micro.Blog. I followed his Mastodon account and he was able to follow me on Micro.Blog, which worked great. I need to polish up my Micro.Blog sales pitch, though, and my explanation of Activity Pub.

    The little suburb I live near doesn’t have a historic “Main Street” like a bunch of the other cities around us. (Irmo was founded in the 1920s as a railway stop for nearby dam construction.) The weird thing is that they’ve just decided to insert a new Main Street into the middle of the existing community. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m sure it will be nice… but instead of leveraging what’s already in the community, you are creating something that never existed.

    📺 Rewatching some Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episodes. Such a great show.

    Taking all of my index cards from my planning session this morning and capturing it all in Notion.

    Hanging out at a coffee shop today and working on 2023 planning. Trying to settle on some goals and themes for the year ahead.

    📺 Rewatching Hawkeye on Disney+ and I forgot how much fun this show is.

    So apparently, 15 years ago, I joined Twitter. They wanted me to post about it, but they didn’t say it had to be on Twitter.

    I added some of my own typeface designs to my Micro.Blog site. I’m really getting into the idea of creating all of the assets that I use in my designs… typefaces, illustrations… now I need to build my own template.

    I took Monday off to be my “retreat” day to plan and set personal goals for 2023. I’ve done it the last five or six years and I enjoy taking the day to focus on what I want to do – and honestly, what I don’t have time to focus on right now.

    I’m trying out MarsEdit like all the cool kids.

    I’m a fan of limited edition candy and sodas, but fruicake-flavored Mountain Dew is a bridge too far.

    I’m really happy with how my Favorite Eight pictures turned out this year. ❤️8️⃣

    I love writing in Ulysses, but for all my grad school papers, I wish it could handle integration with my preferred reference manager, Zotero, the way Microsoft Word and Google Docs do.

    Found this sweet Skee-Ball alley at an arcade near my house.

    Working on a behind the scenes video for Colonial Life Arena and Gamecock Basketball. Double header today. Starting with the women’s team vs. Liberty. 🏀

    I guess crazy conspiracy theories aren’t just a uniquely American thing: Prince Heinrich XIII and the Plot to Overthrow Germany’s Government

    Go-kart fun.

    My son was watching How Old Paintings Are Professionally Restored on YouTube this morning. Completely fascinating look at the restoration process.

    I’m not really using Twitter or Instagram on my iPhone much. Micro.Blog use has grown, obviously, but I’ve also rediscovered games on my phone that I downloaded a while back and never deleted. So instead of doomscrolling… Mario Kart Tour.

    Been a long week. Busy weekend ahead.

    Interesting article about a new “automated” McDonalds restaurant design. (It’s not automated.) The new design focuses on customers who order ahead with apps or use delivery services. A great example of how changes in consumer behavior can drive changes in the way our physical spaces are designed.

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