Posts in the “Then” category were originally shared on my “Now” page.

Liz and the kids are back in school. We moved our oldest into an off-campus apartment. Starting to figure out everyone’s schedules. It’s been a busy week.


  • Our oldest, Norah, moved into her own apartment this week. And while she lived in the residence hall last year, she’s now really out on her own. Proud of her, but it’s always a little bittersweet to watch the kids grow up.
  • Back to heading to the coffee shop to work every weekend with my daughter. She has so much AP work to do, that she likes to go to Starbucks to study. I usually have work to do, too. So we go together. I don’t love the stress that comes with the work, but I adore having the time with Jill.
  • Continue to be both nervous and excited about the future of this country. I think the wild swings in the news cycle affect me more than I’d like to admit.
  • First day of class for me on Wednesday this week. Looking forward to taking something a little different.


  • Did a decent job trying to eat better this week. Need to plan ahead a little bit better when we have a busy schedule.
  • Didn’t really work out this week, but did move my daughter into a second floor apartment with no elevator. (And most of it was moved up from the lower parking level.) Lots of stair flights.


  • I’ve got one font submitted to Monotype for approval to sell on their marketplace.
  • My academic article is officially under peer review.
  • I need to set up a new web site for my merchandise. Might work on that today.
