Quick Thoughts

    Our local bus system has a park and ride service that I really wished worked for me, but the timing just doesn’t work out.

    Six years ago today, I drove to Atlanta to attend a one-day seminar with Edward Tufte. In many ways, that class started my grad school journey because so much of what he presented ran counter to my marketing-based assumptions about how design worked.

    Another milestone on my Ph.D. journey… got my first “Revise and Resubmit” today on a journal article I submitted. Most of the comments are fair and straightforward to address. Some of them are more complicated. I’ll make the changes and we’ll see what happens.

    It’s not quite grilling weather, yet… but I still decided to cook out tonight.

    Hiked the loop behind our house this morning, but in the opposite direction from our normal routine. It’s strange, but simply reversing the route was a very different experience. Also explored a nature preserve nestled between the old golf course and some subdivisions.

    Enjoyed my son’s honors elementary orchestra concert. Pretty amazing these kids have been playing for less than a year.

    Sadly, Facebook and Twitter are still very useful to check on friends after mass shootings. Praying for Michigan State.

    Beautiful day on campus today.

    Tried out a new trail on our Sunday morning walk.

    Excited for the big game today… No, not the Super Bowl. #1 South Carolina vs #3 LSU. Last two unbeaten teams in women’s college basketball meet in Columbia in front of a sold out crowd of 18,000. Game tips at 2:00 on ESPN. 🏀

    Hey @futuregeek. What do you think?

    Just stumbled across a video of the commencement address from when I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1997, given by lengedary author Pat Conroy. I’ve long said my graduation speaker was the best. Now I have video evidence.

    Just saw a picture of me from six years ago today… wearing the exact same shirt that I’m wearing today.

    I’m excited about the new Canon R50. I’ve wanted to buy a mirrorless Canon for a while, but the M-series were clearly a dead end and the R-series were a little too expensive. I think this probably hits the sweet spot for me. Also, weird to see all the sample images in this DP Review post were taken in Charleston.

    Saw a Mercedes EQS 450 on the road this afternoon. Beautiful electric car. Tesla has some serious competition on the luxury side of the EV market.

    My daughter bought a bag of Brach’s Wisecracks “End the Conversation” Hearts with messages like “NOPE,” “FRND ZONE” and “4 NEVER” printed on the candy hearts.

    I knew I’d gotten out of the habit of writing regularly over the last year, but I realized tonight that I also haven’t been sketching, either. The last entry in my sketchbook — prior to tonight - was from August. I need to make time for exploring ideas with pencil and paper.

    I missed Twitter today during the South Carolina/UConn women’s basketball game so I went over to Twitter to check out the chatter. (Gamecock ‘Fams’ are notoriously active on Twitter during games.) Instead, Twitter kept serving up tweets from yesterday’s men’s game… almost a day old. Eventually I gave up. It’s not the same.

    Big win on the road, though. #1 South Carolina came from behind to beat #5 UConn. 🏀

    Just picked up The Cruel Stars by John Birmingham from the library. I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately. Ready to read some sci-fi. 📚

    I think this “Baby Space Scooter” is my favorite of Dana’s baby space Lego series.

    A friend is building a “baby-scale” homage to Classic Lego Space and posting pictures to Instagram. They are absolutely amazing.

    CNN reports that the Chinese surveillance balloon just passed over Asheville, North Carolina near the Biltmore Estate. Maybe they are just scouting excellent vacation locations in the US. 🤣

    Since I stopped using Twitter, I’ve been following a handful of Twitter users that I care about with Feedbin. It’s worked well, but I assume that feature in Feedbin will go away with the new API costs and restrictions.

    I wrote a review of Four Shades of Gray: The Amazon Kindle Platform for New Media & Society. It’s just a short review, but it’s my first bit of academic publishing.

    At my son’s orchestra concert. 200 or so fifth graders from across the school district performing together for the first time. Should be interesting. 🎻

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